YOU.GUYS. are there any accounts that you follow on instagram and you think “Wouldn’t it just be so cool to meet this person in real life?” That’s exactly how I felt about Lauren from @laurenmcduffie (formerly @harvestandhoney) . I started following her about two years ago, and really had no idea that she was local until I accidentally sat across from her at a @circlecitysupperclub dinner @hedgerowbistro one night.
I introduced myself and my handle (because at event’s like this, that’s totally acceptable especially because many of the food bloggers don’t include pics of themselves- you wouldn’t know who was who). Lauren introduced herself and her handle and I totally GEEKED out. If you don’t follow her but love beautiful food photos and recipes, you have GOT to do so now. Here’s a little peak at some of her beautiful work on her IG page:
Since that first dinner, I’ve chatted Lauren up at subsequent @circlecitysupperclub events, and we decided to get together for a girl’s night at home. Lauren invited me over for dinner and you guys wouldn’t believe how excited I was to have the opportunity to try out some of her fabulous cooking!
Lauren was gracious enough to let me snap a few photos of our meal at her home. Here is her kitkit partaking in cocktails with us- this particular cocktail is one I recently posted with Ketel One Botanical, you can rind the recipe here.
Lauren is coming out with a cookbook next April, and I think I may be more excited about it than she is. I plan on buying one for myself, and one for my mom and sister as a gift. All of the photos in the book were taken by Lauren herself and she even let me look over the mock up from her publisher-which by the way, I felt so honored to be able to get a sneak peak! Like seriously, she is SUCH an inspiration!

Dinner with Harvest and Honey, THE best chocolate cake.

Have you guys ever thought to use pasta water as part of your sauce? No? Me neither! This was one of Lauren’s tips!
Also, here’s a weirdo fact about me, I’m NOT super crazy about chocolate. BUT. This cake was one of the best cakes I’ve EVER HAD. She even let me take some home fore Aaron, which I let him have a few bites and I ate the rest. . .
I thought doing a Q & A with her might be fun, to help everyone here to get to know here a little better. So here we go!
Q: Where does your love of cooking stem from?
So many places! I’ve been interested in cooking since I was really little, and I used to watch old-school cooking shows with my Dad all the time (it was our thing). I remember wanting to try and recreate the recipes I saw people making on TV, and I think my interest largely grew from there. But today, I especially love how cooking brings people together. It’s my favorite creative outlet, and it’s also how I show people I care. Food and cooking have such a special way of connecting people, and I’ve always really appreciated that aspect of it all.
Q: What would you say your style of cooking is and what inspires you?
Seasonal and simple. I usually just cook what I feel like eating at any given time, and I’m not really a follower of any specific diet. But I like to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store (minimize the processed foods), and I mostly cook with whole, clean ingredients and try not to mess with them too much. I like to keep it simple and let the seasonal produce shine.
Q: In your opinion, what are some of the most under utilized ingredients?
Kohlrabi! Radishes! The leafy greens on most root veggies (beet greens, carrot and celery tops, etc.) … broccoli stems. And anchovies. They’re my secret flavor weapon in SO many things – from tomato sauces, roasted chickens, and soups to simple skillet pastas and salad dressings, anchovies are such an inexpensive and highly effective way of adding serious flavor to your recipes. People think they don’t like them, but when they’re cooked in olive oil, they break down and melt into the oil … they end up tasting like salted, umami-rich nuts. Really really good.
Q: Do you have any simple yet mind-blowing kitchen tips that can make a novice cook’s life easier?
Yes. Don’t feel compelled to buy everything you see in a kitchen store. I think sometimes people feel like if they spend a bunch of money and collect all of the best pots, pans, knives, etc … then they’re on the right track. I literally do almost all of my cooking in a 10-inch cast-iron skillet, a medium-sized non-stick skillet, a medium to large-sized pot, and a baking sheet. That’s pretty much it. I use only three knives for everything: a chef’s knife, a small paring knife, and a serrated knife for slicing bread and tomatoes. A trusty wooden spoon, high-heat rubber spatula, and a fish turner (my single favorite tool in the kitchen) are, in my opinion, all you need to really cook (just about) anything you want. So, I think giving yourself permission to keep it super simple (and much more affordable) makes it more fun to start cooking – it makes your life so much easier/more organized/more approachable.
Q: What is your favorite meal to prepare for your family?
Chicken, shrimp and andouille etouffée with cheese grits. Or, a Thai-style curry.
Q: You are coming out with a cookbook in April. Can you tell us a little bit about it?
Sure! It’s called Smoke, Roots, Mountain, Harvest, and it’s a collection of 80 recipes (with lots of supporting atmospheric photos) that are inspired by my time growing up in Appalachia (Southwest VA and KY). So, it’s not an Appalachian cookbook, but rather, a cookbook that reflects the things I like to make today but with a nod to the techniques, tricks, and ingredients from this little corner of the world that I call home.
Q: What is your favorite cookbook and why?
This is hard! I’m not sure I can name a favorite, but right now, I’m obsessing over Alison Roman’s “Dining In.” I love how completely unfussy it is and how she writes like she’s just talking to you in her kitchen, with a glass of wine in hand. It’s so laid back and accessible, and she really has a way of drawing you in and making you want to taste every single thing. It’s also stunningly beautiful.
Q: Who are some of your favorite foodie accounts to follow?
@TheDaleyPlate @gentylandhyers @HalfBakedHarvest @Cannellevanile @pinchofyum @localhaven
Who are your favorite food bloggers to follow? I’d love to know so I can give them a follow, too! Comment below!
XO Kelli
Love Lauren’s advice on not needing to buy all the fancy tools you may see at a kitchen store.
Kate |
YUMMMM!!! I also LOVE radishes and they’re so good for us!!! Everyone should eat them! Lol The dinner looked amazing and I’m so glad you got to do it!!
Thanks Carla! I only ever eat radishes raw so this was a nice little treat to have them roasted but still crunchy- an excellent pre-dinner snack!
Okay, this all looks SO DELISH! Happy you FINALLY got to meet her after sending me 2890482 pics of the stuff you have loved by her before. Looks like a great time. She seems awesome!!
Lol go ahead and make me sound creepy (well I kind of am!) lol you would love her Britt!