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child photography


    Inside the Studio 2014: A Holiday Recap

    December 26, 2014

    baby collage holiday 2December kicked off my first real efforts at photography- and I have to say- not too shabby! I’ve learned a lot about lighting, composition, and the ins and outs of my camera itself.

    I can’t wait until Spring and warmer weather to get a bit more creative with the outdoors, but for now I’m ready to start booking for Valentine’s Day shoots, babies and boudoir!

    Here are a few photos of the holiday shoots with these adorable cutie patooties. (Thanks mommies for putting your trust in me and letting me be the lucky lady to capture their smiles!)

    davis CollageFirst we have Davis. I am absolutely in love with his Santa photos, and who doesn’t love a blue eyed babe in IU coveralls? He was such an angel the entire time!

    rya collageIt took us a while to get Rya warmed up, but after we bribed her with a few M&M’s and sat her up in the window seat, she was happy as a clam. I loved her enthusiasm for the photo booth props! I find that the natural light from this window is much more preferable than the studio lighting I have in that room. While I have a decent little set up, natural light is where it’s at!

    reign CollageI CANNOT wait to photograph this babe again! Her momma and I have already talked about a whimsical meadow set up with lots of adorable props for the Spring. Reign was super curious about all the props, but we finally got a few smiles out of her. I’ve captioned the one on the right “Santa brought me what!?!”

    Last but not least, click here to see inside Lola’s Holiday shoot with a few more photos!

    If anyone is interested in shooting with me or have some creative ideas for a shoot, please email me at If  interested in seeing the props used or the set up for the holiday shoots, let me know!