Ok, I know we’ve all seen the tiny home shows on HGTV right? While they are always visually pleasing to me, in my head I’m always thinking “Omg, I could never live in a space that small!” (I have an entire room of shoes people, not practical for me personally, but I commend those minimalists who are all into the tiny-living!)
That being said- when Try it Tiny reached out to me to see if I would be interested in doing a girls night in a tiny house village downtown Indianapolis, I was intrigued! I always like trying new things and thought it might be fun- so I corresponded with Colleen and Brittany who work with Try it Tiny for all the deets.
Turns out, I was invited to kick off the Try it Tiny Village opening weekend party! If you’re wondering what I mean by “tiny village”, just see the pic below: 5 tiny houses, in a horseshoe shape, strung up with lights, picnic tables, a fire pit and even a communal treasure box of games and activities for anyone to use, because surely if you’re trying it tiny you’ll stay a while, have some beverages, and be social?

The opening weekend party included pizza from King Dough, beer from the local favorite brewery, Sun King, a new variety of sour cherry liqueur from Hotel Tango and some Javahouse cold brew. Thanks y’all: what a welcoming party!

These homes come fully equipped with running water (there’s water in the toilets people! )Which many people told me the tiny houses they had stayed in elsewhere had more of a port-o-potty set up, where you just scooped sawdust over your business and called it a day. I felt like this is important to mention, because for someone like me (ahem . . clears throat) who’s not high maintenance at all (go ahead and laugh now), a running toilet, sink and shower are key amenities!

My friend Kate of @intoindy tagged along with me and we ended up staying in the “Circle City” tiny house. Each house has a different name and theme- for example, two of the others are “Colts” and “Pacers” themed. Our tiny house included a mini fridge, a two burner range, a sofa on the main floor that pulls out into a double bed and a real double bed up in the loft.

Also- I feel this is worthy to mention as well- that bed ya see you there is comfortable as heck, y’all. In general, I don’t sleep well. On vacation or anywhere other than my own bed, I hardly sleep at all, so I came fully mentally prepared thinking I wasn’t going to get any rest. I was so delightfully surprised that A. the sheets were super soft and great quality and B. the pillows and bed itself were so comfortable! Like- I would definitely stay here again!

So, you might be wondering when you would ever stay in a tiny house, if you’re not going to live in one or just try it once “for the experience”? Well my little wheels were turning last night and I literally was just thinking of all the fun events you and your family of friends could host here- think “small tailgating village”:
1.most obviously after my last statement- tailgating- you and your fam/friends all rent out the tiny houses at the same time! The parking lot next door to the village is free for guests of @tryittiny and it’s literally right across the street from Lucas Oil Stadium; I can see it out the window right now as I type this. I believe parking for Lucas Oil can get pretty pricey, so if you plan on having some drinks and staying somewhere anyway- why not use that $20 towards your tiny house and park in the same vicinity for free?
2. Bachelor/Bachelorette parties. Y’all: you and your 10 best pals can rent these out for a fraction of what it would cost to get a hotel (I’ll talk pricing later!) They are CLEAN, convenient and close to all the fun restaurants and bars downtown!
3. Hosting a workshop/work retreat- because all the tiny houses are in close proximity, this would be a great place to host a workshop, or even a team building retreat in Indianapolis.
4. Weekend getaway- hell, sometimes it’s fun to just do something different and outside your comfort box!
In the past, these tiny houses have been up for rent around town during certain events: standing out in my mind right now is the Indy 500 in May. If you’re not from Indy, then you may not know that every May our city hosts “the greatest spectacle in racing” as the largest Indycar race in the world. A stat I read on Golfdigest (why they were writing an article on the 500 beats me, and disclaimer here, who knows if this stat is accurate) said that 1 out of every 1,000 Americans attends the 500, so you can imagine there is a premium on accommodations. Many people bring RV’s and campers, and stay close to the track.
YOU GUYS. This little village is parked here until December of this year, and each tiny house is available for rental! I believe the cost break down is as follows (*pricing will change for special events).
$100/night: this includes a cleaning fee for after you’ve came, saw and conquered the Tiny Village, and parking
Another piece of exciting news- these lil babies are DOGGO FRIENDLY! (Unless your dog is an asshole, then leave him at home.)

This post was not sponsored, but my stay was compensated in exchange for posting on social media, if I had a positive experience. A blog post wasn’t a requirement, but I thought I would write this up because I thought it was truly such a fun experience, and some of my fellow Indianapolis people always ask me for fun things to do around town!
Be sure to check out Tryittiny.com for pics of other homes and availability. They are also listed on airbnb.
Please feel free to leave your questions below!